Counseling & Therapy Programs

Anchor Therapy offers a wide variety of therapy and counseling programs. including individual, couples, group therapies, and even animal assisted therapy programs

Anchor Therapy Clinic is committed to providing realistic and practical counseling.  We pride ourselves on being direct, straightforward and working towards helping our clients meet their goals.  We are here to help through the hard times  and work with you to find your inner strength and resiliency to create satisfaction at home, at work, with your relationships and throughout your daily life.

We provide individual therapy to support our clients with:

  • Establishing and maintaining positive and healthy relationships.

  • Creating healthy work/life balance.

  • Reducing stress related to working and life stressors

  • Meeting our Veterans and First-Responders where they are by taking care of our own.

Veteran & First Responder

Military specific trauma can be very specific to their community. Combat, Military Sexual Traumas, deployments, and much more affect the lives of this community in very unique ways. Providing an opportunity for Veterans to be treated by members of the Veteran community is one of many programs offered. In addition to putting their lives on the line every day, these individuals sacrifice their mental health in defense of our communities. The nature of being a first responder means seeing firsthand the pros and cons of society and living with the images that have been seen through their own eyes.



Trauma comes in many forms and affects each one of us in a different ways. Once someone experiences trauma their day to day lives may shift; however, we provide an opportunity to overcome traumas in order to have a chance to create normalcy, find inner strengths, and find understanding.


Are you satisfied with your communication or your intimate life?


Communication, intimacy and sexual connection wax and wane naturally through any relationship. Children, life stressors, or loss of trust can completely take over any desire for intimacy or connection in your relationship. If you feel like the luster or fire has left or if you need help healing from hurt then perhaps Couples Counseling can help.


Anchor Therapy offers a variety of specialized group therapy and counseling programs throughout the year. Contact us to see when are next start dates are.

  • Trauma

  • Veteran Therapy

  • First-Responders

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Service Dogs


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